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My Muse

They say that the secret to writing is to just write.

They say that the key to completing something is to get started.

They say that the hardest part of the journey is the first step.

They sure talk alot. They must be related to my son. He is four now and he doesn't shut up.

He talks himself to sleep at night.

He talks himself out of trouble daily.

He talks himself into trouble hourly.

The most uttered phrase in our house is "Stop TALKING!" I would give my left arm for an hour of quiet when he is around.

But, the reality is, talking is how he expresses himself. It gives us our only insights into what it is like to be a four-year-old boy at this moment in time. And it seems awesome.

It is filled with dressing up as Cinderella, getting muscles from your superheros, climbing walls like spiderman, doing head stands in the middle of the mall, singing the wrong words to "Shake It Off" as loud as you can. It is filled with so many stops and starts, so many imperfect ideas, so many attempts that clearly show he was not frustrated by the last one.

I can learn a lot from him, and them. I'm going to channel my inner 2.0 and start something. It may not be perfect, in fact I can guarantee it won't be. But it will be the first step of a very long journey.

Thanks 2.0 for being you.


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