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Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs

I believe 100% that the universe (or God or Allah or whatever you think helps us be part of more than ourselves) sends us signs. They can be very subtle, more like a light wind than a burning bush. Or they can be so overt we feel foolish for not heeding them. Lately, I've had the fire department on speed dial with all the burning bushes in my life. In the past three weeks, I've gotten multiple signs about multiple items in my life. There was the nightmare about an inoperable brain tumor that made it clear I need to talk to someone about a problem I was having with them. There was the conversation with my sister about husky rescues and rain that resulted in rain for the first time in weeks and a potential adoption opportunity (no, we did not get another husky, much to my dismay). There was the person who walked past my house five days in a row with a literal sign on  before I realized I hadn't gone outside in five days. And now, another one just happened and I can't igno...
Recent posts

My Five Lighthouses

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Nanu nanu

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My Muse

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Look Ma...I Dressed Myself

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Gifts of All Shapes and Sizes

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Mountains Time

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