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Gifts of All Shapes and Sizes

I have been traveling for work a lot lately. I was gone Monday-Wednesday this week, but came back last night. So imagine someone's surprise when she woke up this morning to her mommy, whom she hadn't seen since Sunday night, singing Happy Birthday to her. Know what she did? She laughed, turned over and said "No no. Way, way." Then coyly turned her head and smiled up at me. I don't think she likes my singing. On that, she is not alone.

Today is the big day. She is turning 2. Are we in for a year of tantrums and screaming? Maybe, but as long as there are also days like today, where she laughed and danced and gave me kisses, it is all worth it.

Here are a few photos of the birthday girl and my sleeping prince. The first is the outfit we picked out this morning, because it looks like something daddy would wear (swear, that is what she said when she picked it out of the closet). The second is the outfit we HAD to change in to when it arrived via special delivery from the nanny. When she showed up with her birthday present you should have seen the look on her face. I think I might just start putting all her toys in bags so she can think they are presents every day.

Happy birthday Gremlin. I love you more than words can say.


  1. 1. I love the first outfit. It does look like Mark's taste. 2. Homegirl is rockin' the Hello Kitty! 3. If we could only figure out the redeye reduction... 4. I love your singing voice.


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